You can type the questions directly or add each question of the quiz as a picture (for some reason it does not allow for attaching a file). Information on adding questions to an on-line quiz can be found here Information about creating on-line quizzes in Moodle can be found here The quiz activity allows you to have the quiz open for a flexible time window (say 48 hrs) but then require the student to submit within the time you allow for the quiz (say 2 hrs) after they access it.Ĭreate a Quiz in Moodle (through the Add an Activity or Resource link)Īn overview of creating and using quizzes on Moodle can be found here Please sign the exam somewhere stating that you have followed the required academic honesty guidelines. You may use the book, notes, homeworks, and a calculator, but no use of a computer is permitted. No discussion of the problems during the exam is permitted, nor is discussion with students who have not yet taken the exam. all submissions must occur before midnight on May 3rd.
You can complete the exam in any 5 hour window you like, before midnight on May 3rd, i.e. Then put a paper copy in the envelope outside my office. To submit the exam, scan it or take pictures, and upload the images to Moodle. Once you click on the exam to download, your clock has started, and you have 5 hours to finish. The exam will be uploaded to Moodle and made available at 8 am on Thursday, May 2nd. You could add the following to the top of your test: It is good practice to ask students to sign on their exam that they have followed the Academic Honesty guidelines of the University. You get both the access and submission times separately, and can then cross check the length of time they had access to the exam. the name of the exam, and click Get these logs.
Filter it for the particular activity, e.g. To get the access/submission time information for each student, click on the Course Management icon on the top (looks like gears) and then under Reports click on Logs. Moodle keeps track of the times each student first accesses the exam and submits it, so you can ensure they complied. One alternative is to make the exam available for a longer period (say 48hrs) but tell students that once downloaded they need to submit within the allowed exam time (say 2hrs) Having high expectations, but placing high trust on students may be the best option we have. We need to offer flexibility given the circumstances. Students can submit their answers via email if they are having a tough time uploading. The system allows them to upload late (the submission time will be recorded). Some students will invariably have trouble uploading.
If you are lucky and manage to find a time/date that all students are available, then schedule the assignment to be visible to students at the time when the exam is to start, and set the due date to the finish time of the exam.Ģ hours is a time window many of us find appropriate to allow for technical difficulties but not give much room for cheating You can run the exam as an Assignment in Moodle (through the Add an Activity or Resource link on the Moodle course section where you want to place the exam) Exams scheduling and proctoring is not easy once we have students taking the course from all corners of the world.